Buddy Ward Memorial Artificial Reef Approved
Contact: Grayson Shepard
Apalachicola, Florida, January 21, 2020.
The Franklin County Commission and Apalachicola Artificial Reef Association are happy to announce that the Buddy Ward Memorial Artificial Reef site has received US Army Corps of Engineers and State of Florida approval.
The 1 nautical mile square site is located within State waters and in sight of St George Island. It is approximately 8 nautical miles off shore at a bearing 166 degrees from the Bob Sikes Cut. The water depth is approximately 40'. Approval of the permit clears the way for grants and other fund raising. Initial anticipated materials include artificial reef modules, recycled concrete culverts and other approved reef material, along with memorials. There are only two artificial reef sites currently located inside the 9 nautical mile state water boundary off St George with the latest added in 1983.
With differing State and Federal fishing regulations the need for more fishing locations within State waters in proximity of Bob Sikes Cut has become apparent. The AARA hopes to deploy the first reef material within the year.
The new reef will attract a wide variety of fish such as grouper and snapper along with migratory fish like King mackerel and cobia. The AARA hopes to increase fishing and diving opportunities in the area thus increasing the economic value to the community.
The AARA is an all-volunteer not for profit 501c3 entity. For more information please visit our website: